You’re Hired – 絕代商驕

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You'reHiredDescription: High-flierMAK TAI SONG (Wong Tze Wah) has dissociated himself from the business world by showing deep regret to the suicide of his mentor. Later,he learns that his mentor’s wife SHE MO LIN (Theresa Lee) is in great debt and he starts selling “business tactics” to the trader TONG KAT (Hui Shiu Hung) for LIN’s debt recovery. Deadbeat SONG refuses to take afull time job and that makes his income change from day to day. A toughcollection agent, LAM MIU MIU (Sheh Charmaine), tries every means to push him into a corner. They keep playing tricks on each other and finally become a pair of rival lovers.

By chance, SONG meets his uterine brother ON CHO LIN (Tse Tin Wah). He thereby recalls the tragic memories of the past when his mother desertedhim and his father. This triggers the hatred hidden deep inside his heart and leads him to seek revenge against ON’s family. SONG’s abrupt change has left MIU feeling confused…
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 22 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Director: Cheung Kin Man
Cast: Dayo Wong, Charmaine Sheh, Michael Tse, Theresa Lee, Benz Hui, Mandy Cho, Koni Lui, Leung Kin Bin, Power Chan, Bak Biu, Irene Wong, Chow Chung, Oscar Leung

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