Young Sherlock (Cantonese) – 少年神探狄仁傑

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November 28, 2016
Old Days in Shanghai (Cantonese) - 像火花像蝴蝶
Shining Days (Cantonese) - 璀璨人生


Description: Young Sherlock tells of a series of thrilling and cryptic cases faced by 26-year-old protagonist Di Renjie (Bosco Wong). With him on his travels are his close friend Wang Yuanfang (Ma Tianyu), medical expert and love interest Li Wanqing (Stephy Qi), and childhood friend Tong Mengyao (Cindy Sun). Together, the four unravel various bizarre mysteries that take place during the Tang Dynasty.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: China
Release Date: 14 June 2016
Cast: Bosco Wong, Qi Wei, Ma Tianyu,Sun Xiaoxiao, Ruby Lin, Yuan Hong

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