You Are My Lover Friend (2024) – 舍不得星星 (English subtitles)

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September 20, 2024
Hero Is Back (2024) - 镇魂街之热血再燃 (English subtitles)
Echo of Her Voice (2024) - 幻乐森林 (English subtitles)

Description: While solving the issue of invaders in Luosha Street, the soul guardian Cao Yan Bing unexpectedly uncovers clues about his missing mother. To rescue her, he travels through various places and endures many trials, eventually discovering the secret Luohua Ancient Tower. However, this leads to the revelation of a massive conspiracy behind his mother’s disappearance. Cao Yan Bing joins forces with his companions to challenge the evil forces, ultimately achieving victory and preserving peace in the world.

Country: China

Director: Zhong Qing

Actors: Ao Rui PengJin JiaLi Jun YiLiu Mei TongXu Shi YueZhang Yu Xi

Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance

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