Women on the Run – 窈窕熟女

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January 10, 2019
Chor Lau Heung - 楚留香
Come Home Love: Dinner at Eight - 愛.回家之八時入席

Description: MA SIU PO (TANG LAI MING, JOYCE), CHAN BONG NI BONNIE (NG WING MEI, CHRISTINE), CHU CHU YVONNE (HAMNETT BELINDA) and LI CHUN CHUN (YUEN KING DAN) were good friends at secondary school. Before they know it, they have all passed their prime time for getting married. PO is an outstanding policewoman. The number of people she has arrested outnumbers the number of men she has attracted. NI runs a successful PR firm, but has less success in love. CHU is a cafe owner who believes more in sensibility than in sense, and always goes round in the love game. CHUN is a fortune-teller. She knows all kinds of tricks to match other people together, but fails to do it for herself. Although these four women live their lives calmly, they are impatient for their true love to show up. The four meet a handsome and desirable man respectively. Unfortunately, the man dies suddenly, turning them all into murder suspects. The “Best Detective” KERRY BUD (CHAN PAK CHEUNG) takes over the case. His mean insults constantly make fun of the women’s eagerness to be married, which they can’t deny. They feel aggrieved by the fact that only BUD can help them to solve the case. Everything is governed by fate. The four women seem unable to rid themselves of the hated BUD from the moment he enters their lives.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 26 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Natalis Chan, Christine Ng, Joyce Tang, Kingdom Yuen, Belinda Hamnett, Louis Yuen

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