Witness Insecurity – 護花危情

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September 28, 2021
Witness Insecurity - 護花危情 - Episode 01
Apple-colada - 果欄中的江湖大嫂

Description: Witness Protection Unit (WPU) inspector HUI WAI KIT (Bosco Wong) was ordered to protect the city’s wealthy businessman KUI KWONG SAN’s (Paul Chun) daughter KUI CHI LAM (Linda Chung), unfolding their destiny! LAM has an isolated and strange personality, where she’s trapped in her own world. When KIT comes into her life, she started opening up and developed feelings for KIT. She didn’t care about her father’s opposition and took the initiative to pursue him! When SAN saw his daughter more outgoing and taking initiative, he started changing his views. However, a 30 some year enemy LAI SUE FUNG (Joesph Lee) suddenly comes back and drove everyone nuts. KIT discovers a secret between FUNG and the KIU brothers, which left KIT in a dilemma as he struggles to find a balance between justice and love…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 02 July 2012
Cast: Bosco Wong, Linda Chung, Paul Chun, Ram Cheung, Queenie Chu, Cilla Kung, Savio Tsang, Angel Cheung
Genre: Romance

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