With or Without You – 東坡家事

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November 4, 2018
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The Borderline - 警界線

WithorWithoutYoutvbDescription: The drama is a fictional account of Song dynasty poet Su Shi also known as So Tung Po, family life.

Unable to forget his late wife, So Tung Po (Bobby Au Yeung) refuses to remarry until he meets talented female chef Wong Yun Chi (Joey Meng) who wins him over with her cooking. Thinking life will better, he marries Yun Chi, but after marriage the two constantly bicker and Tung Po’s son from his first marriage does not accept his new step mother .

Besides his own marriage Tung Po is also concern with his youngest sister So Siu Mui’s (Jacqueline Wong), love life since he believes her flirtatious boyfriend Chun Siu Yau (Vincent Wong) will eventually leave her and break her heart. Also his other younger sister So Dai Mui (Harriet Yeung), who still have not gotten over her first love that is now married to someone else.
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 26 October 2015
Cast: Bobby Au-Yeung, Joey Meng, Vincent Wong, Jacqueline Wong,Alice Chan, Harriet Yeung

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