Where the Wind Blows (2023) – 風再起時
Description: In the 70’s, the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two righteous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crime and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triads and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan), was targeted by the triads for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives, Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issues the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
Days of Being Wild – 阿飛正傳
2065 0Ghost for Sale (1991) – 捉鬼專門店 Hi, Mom – 你好,李焕英 Description: 1960年代的香港,因生母在阿飞旭仔(张国荣)长大成人过程中的缺失,他把自己优雅地比喻为“无根鸟”,对生命中遇到的每一个女人都表现得放荡不羁,售票员苏丽珍(张曼玉)和舞女咪咪(刘嘉玲)先后令他感受过温暖,可是她们也只能当当小情人。为摆脱沉重和无力感,旭仔抛下一切去南洋找寻生母。 暗恋过苏丽珍且目睹过她与旭仔情感一路变化的,曾是小巡警今在跑船的超仔(刘德华)在菲律宾又遇到旭仔,是缘分也是宿命,他参与、见证了阿飞命运被改写的过程 导演: 王家卫 编剧: 王家卫 主演: 张国荣 / 张曼玉 / 刘嘉玲 / 刘德华 / 张学友 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 /
To Love or Not to Love – 初戀日記:賤男蜜擾
2359 0Meow – 喵星人 The Adventurers – 俠盜聯盟 Description: Elton had a mysteriously affair with Sia, Casey turned herself into a love expert after the heartbreak of Elton’s cheat. The unfortunate couple accidentally encounters each other after 10 years. Language: Cantonese Country: Hong
To the Fore – 破風
2027 0My Young Auntie – 長輩 Lazy Hazy Crazy – 同班同學 [BS plugin=”https://picasaweb.google.com/108629645410007750937/Fore2015?authkey=Gv1sRgCMbI5IShwNX_pwE”] Description: The story is about a very passionate cyclist, Chou Ming, starting his cycling career in a team called Radiant. There he met his friends. After some time,
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