When Rules Turn Loose – 識法代言人

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May 26, 2018
When Heaven Burns - 天與地
A Fistful Of Stances - 鐵馬尋橋


Description: Renowned lawyer SUEN MAN YEE (WANG MING CHUN, LIZA) runs a law firm with her mentor’s son YUEN SAI HEI KEITH (NGAI CHUN KIT, MARCO). Both her daughter SHUM YAT SUM NATALIE (LIU CHUK KI, PATRICA) and her son-in-law HUNG CHI TAT RAYMOND (LAI YIU CHEUNG, WAYNE) are lawyers in the firm. Her younger daughter SHUM YAT YIN FION (WU, MYOLIE) also works as an executive there.
The firm recruits a young lawyer CHING HOK KAN DICK (CHAN KIN FUNG, SAMMUL), whom YEE quite admires. However, when she finds out that KAN is seeing YIN, she loses her judgement and tries to stop them.
Meanwhile, SUM cannot resist HEI’s pursuit and files for a divorce. SUM and YIN’s relationship turns bad. YEE’s husband SHUM YAT ON (HA YU) falls ill and is hospitalized. After spending half of her life pursuing love, logic and justice, YEE is forced to deal with problems which cannot be solved with all three.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 21 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Liza Wang, Myolie Wu, Sammul Chan, Ha Yu, Marco Ngai, Wayne Lai, Patricia Liu, Lee Sing Cheung

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