When Lanes Merge – 情越雙白線

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August 30, 2020
When Lanes Merge - 情越雙白線 - Episode 01
Line Walker - 使徒行者

Description: Rushing along the road every day with a vibrant mix of passengers of allkinds, what taxi drivers see and hear is far more varied than one can ever imagine. Retired taxi driver HO KAU (Cheng Jut Si) returns to the job after his son HO KA-PO (Wong Ho Yin) is convicted of causing death by dangerous driving. The incident has exacerbated the already fractiousrelationship between the father and the son. PO works for KAU after hisrelease from prison. Before long, he has another serious road accident,in which KAU is also involved and severely injured, both mentally and physically. PO feels so guilty towards his father and comes to understand the importance of careful driving. He maintains a high degreeof vigilance while driving but still gets picked on constantly by female traffic police officer KO LAI-SAM (Kate Tsui). As time goes by, the pair have gradually developed a strong attachment to each other and finally become lovers. But PO’s ex-girlfriend CHEUNG HIU-MAN (Sonija Kwok) and SAM’s grandmother KO LI SHUK-CHING (Lee Heung Kam) turn out tobe the biggest obstacle to their relationship, leaving the pair stranded in dismay along the tunnel of love…

A.K.A:When Lanes MergeGenre:TV Series, Modern Sitcom
Times:20 Episodes
Release Date:28 June 2010
Cast:Kent Cheng, Sonija Kwok, Kate Tsui, Raymond Wong, Raymond Cho, Kingdom Yuen, Lee Heung Kam, Kwok Fung, Angel Chiang, Eric Li, Fred Cheng, Ching Ho Wai, Katy Kung

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