When I Fly Towards You (2023) – 当我飞奔向你 (English subtitles)

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July 2, 2023
Confess Your Love (2023) - 麻烦请你先告白 (English subtitles)
Fish Show You (2023) - 鱼生知有你 (English subtitles)

Description: In the early autumn of 2012, Yucai Middle School welcomes a cheerful transfer student named Su Zai Zai. On the first day of school, Su Zai Zai encounters the aloof and cool Zhang Lu Rang and falls in love with him at first sight. Behind Zhang Lu Rang’s seemingly outstanding academic performance and privileged family background, he is a “contradictory” person who appears to be quite confident on the outside yet constantly doubts himself on the inside. Due to the presence of his genius younger brother, Zhang Lu Li, Zhang Lu Rang is constantly compared to him by his mother. For over a decade, Zhang Lu Rang’s life has been like living inside a thick shell. He is introverted and speaks little. He looks composed and polite but keeps everyone at a distance. However, Zhang Lu Rang’s life changes when he meets the bubbly and forward Su Zai Zai, and joins hands with old and new friends Gu ran, Guan Fang, and Su Zai Zai’s best friend Jiang Jia. They help him understand the meaning of self and he slowly begins to understand how to plan his life. Zhang Lu Rang and Su Zai Zai work towards their goals while supporting one another, as romance begins to blossom throughout their friend group.

Country: China

Director: Mao De Shu

Actors: Bian Tian YangGuo ZheJiang Zhi NanRoy XieZhang Miao YiZhou Yi Ran

Genres: Comedy, Romance

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