Well-Intended Love (Mandarin) – 奈何BOSS要娶我

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January 15, 2019
Lascivious Lady (Mandarin) - 絕世千金
Wu Xin: The Monster Killer 2 (Cantonese) - 无心法师Ⅱ

Description: Nai He BOSS Yao Qu Wo / Well Intended Love
A third-rate actress with leukemia becomes entangled with CEO Ling because she needs money for treatment.

In order to receive bone marrow transplant sooner and to continue her career as an actress, Xia Lin enters into a secret marriage with Ling Yizhou, the CEO of a company. Despite the conspiracies and misunderstandings they encounter, the two find true love.

《奈何BOSS要娶我》(英語:Well-Intended Love),2019年中國偶像劇。本劇改編自純風一度的網絡小說《私寵甜心寶貝》,由徐開騁、王雙領銜主演,

17 January 2019

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