Wars of In-Laws 2 – 野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶

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January 30, 2018
The Breaking Point - 今生無悔
Infernal Affairs (Cantonese) - 無間道


Description: Magazine editor-in-chief Gwo Bik/Ophelia (Liza Wang) will never save face for her superiors, nor will she come to the defense of her subordinates. She shows no mercy to her enemies and does everything she can to keep her son Gwo Dak/ Kyle (Bosco Wong) under her thumb. She is an iron lady who can’t afford to lose anything. As she is still full of confidence that she can determine her son’s future life,even when a plain, geeky-looking girl named Chow Lai-Man (Myolie Wu) has already managed to become the wife of Kyle . Ophelia will do anything to not face embrassment by changing her daughter in law looks.

Not long after, Bik is dragged into a scandal and gets framed by her assistant Ko Ga-Bo/ Coco (Joyce Tang), which causes her to lose her place all of a sudden. Facing a dramatic career slump and her deteriorating relationship with her son and daughter-in-law, Bik moves to the outlying islands on her own. There she meets a new man in her life, the knowledgeable and talented Pat Ping-Fan (Benz Hui) who was once a convict. From Fan, Bik has learnt how to reflect on herself and let go of the past. As everything seems to be going fine, Man discovers that there is a conspiracy going on and that the magazine she is working for is in danger of falling apart. She also discover that her family is going down too when an old friend/ex-girlfriend of Kyle, Athena, comes in and takes Kyle away from Man. Will Man be able to save the magazine company, Elva, and her family from falling apart?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2008
Cast: Liza Wang, Myolie Wu, Bosco Wong

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