War and Destiny – 亂世佳人

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May 21, 2018
Lethal Weapons Of Love And Passion - 覆雨翻雲
In Love and War - 烽火飛花

Description: The story opens in 1937 when northeastern China is seized by the Japanese army. KOO PING-ON (WU, MYOLIE), along with her seriously ill mother and TIN HAU-YEE (NG CHEUK HAI, RON), a friend whom she trusts as a brother, comes to Nanjing (formerly known as Nanking) to seek refuge with her biological father KU MAN-CHAI (LAU DAN), who is the wealthiest rice merchant in the city. Sadly, the three of them are not welcomed by the KOOs and are treated like dirt in the big mansion. Following the Marco Polo Bridge Incident (also known as the Lugouqiao Incident of July 7 in China), Nanjing falls to the Japanese troops. Not until this point does ON realize that her closest childhood buddy YEE is actually the son of the Japanese General KOWASHI MATSUDA (SHEK SHAU). What shocks her even more is that this man whom she sees as her future husband has been having an affair with her father’s mistress CHENG YUET-FUNG (TONG, LEILA). Seeing that a Japanese colonel has a crush on ON, POON SAI-CHEONG (CHAN KAM HUNG, SUNNY), a traitor, buys off her freedom before the colonel, to which she is reluctant. ON hates CHEONG more than anything, but as time goes by, she begins to fall in love with him…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2007
Cast: Sunny Chan, Ron Ng, Myolie Wu, Leila Tong

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