Unshakable Faith (2023) – 画眉 (English subtitles)

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December 11, 2023
Unshakable Faith (2023) - 画眉 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
The Hope (2023) - 鸣龙少年 (English subtitles)

Description: Police officer Pang Hong Mei, amid the many obstacles created by U.S. and Jiang spy agents, rescued Ji Danyang, a patriotic scientist who had returned from the United States from the enemy spy. She accompanied Ji Danyang to Lumen City to participate in the “Water Drop Project”. Enemy special forces formulated a sabotage plan codenamed “Operation Rock,” concentrated their forces, and tried to destroy the “Water Drop Project.” Pang Hong Mei and Ji Dan Yang fought a life-and-death battle with enemy agents in Lumen, thwarted the enemy’s conspiracy, protected the “Water Drop Project”, and finally achieved the expected success. The couple who went through the test of life and death, also realized their dreams and firm ideals.

Country: China

Director: Zeng Xiao Xin

Actors: Ding YongdaiHuo ZhengyanKong LinLiu XueyiMa WenzhongMenger LiuPeng XiaoranRenzi JianRui WeihangShi Yufei

Genres: Crime, Historical, Romance, Thriller

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