TW Drama

Not A Murder Story (2024) – 非殺人小說 (English subtitles)

1708 0

Description: Dong, an aspiring actor who is finally getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fame, wakes up with a dead woman, Meng, beside him. Unable to piece together the night before, Dong is determined not to let it stand in his

The Way We Were (Cantonese) – 16個夏天

1892 0

Description: While in college, Jia-Ni Tang (Ruby Lin) falls in love with her schoolmate(also neighborhood) Wei-De Fang (Weber Yang) after she agrees with Wei-De’s idea of an eye for an eye, when she catches her boyfriend cheating with another girl.

Behind Your Smile (Cantonese) – 閣浮士德的微笑

1776 0

Description: Zhao Yiting lives a cold and meaningless life as he tries to pursue the only goal he knows: destroying the person, who took everything from him. As he lost his father because of Lin Man, he decides to take

Memory Love (Cantonese) – 噗通噗通我愛你

1312 0

Description: 佳恩男友修凱在車禍中身亡,而佳恩則失去記憶。同時,甜點師少天移植了修凱的心臟。佳恩好友艾莉為了還債,取代了佳恩成為集團千金。換了心的少天竟繼承了修凱的記憶,對佳恩莫名的感到興趣… Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan Director: Feng Kai ,Ker Choon Hooi Cast: Andy Chen, Mandy Wei, Jolin Chien, Mandy Tao, Kris Shen, Nylon Chen

Heart of Steel (Cantonese) – 鋼鐵之心

2312 0

Description: 本劇以重型機車為故事主軸的青春勵志劇,講述了一群懷揣機車夢想的青年的故事。楊可志的母親早逝,自小便依靠著爸爸開設的小機車行長大,因此對車特別喜愛。但直到數年前的一場車禍,導致妹妹從此變成植物人後,楊可志發誓自此不再接觸車。 Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan Director: Cast: 柯有倫、袁艾菲、Darren、陳匡怡、阿緯、昆凌、庹宗華、朱德剛、林可唯、劉行格、葛蕾、陳為民、金韓一、周荀、李國超、

Love O2O (Cantonese) – 微微一笑很傾城

2169 0

Description: 美女學霸貝微微,立志成為遊戲工程師,化名“蘆葦微微”躋身網游高手,因拒絕上傳 真實照片而慘遭俠侶“真水無香”無情拋棄, 卻意外得到江湖第一高手信肖奈的垂青。  

Love Family (Cantonese) – 有愛一家人

2429 0

Description: Rich heir Wan Sheng Ren has only 100 days to find a girl he briefly encountered when he was young that he calls “Little Angel” or else his parents will force him into an arranged marriage in order to inherit

Rock Love Story (Cantonese) – 滾石愛情故事

2379 0

Description: 滾石愛情故事由十位編劇、十五位導演分別執導,將20首滾石唱片之經典情歌變成20個動人的滾石愛情故事。以滾石唱片十首經典歌曲如「小薇」、「愛我別走」與「如果有一天」等為故事取材,預計拍成浪漫的校園愛情劇。 Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan

Three Exits to Love (Cantonese) – 幸福街第3號出口

1677 0

Description: Xin Lu experiences two different love relationships with two men. With her relationship with the rich man Xu Li Yang and Xia Xiao Hua who is devoted to her on the side and being considerate with her. From this

Teacher Gangster (Cantonese) – 神仙·老師·狗

1402 0

Description: Meng Xiao Hu has a master degree in history, but all he wants to do is to take over the gang from his father. While he was out chasing his enemy, he accidentally killed a puppy. A god punishes

Love Touch (Cantonese) – 我愛幸運七

2092 0

Description: Liao Yong Qi has not one day of good luck in her life. If something can go wrong, it will go wrong on her. But when she bumped into the super lucky He Hao Ren, their luck switched places

Prince of Wolf (Cantonese) – 狼王子

1450 0

Description: Can a modern-day Tarzan return to the human world? When Du Zhe Ming (Derek Zhang) was a boy, he got lost while on vacation with his family. While he was wandering around in the deep woods, he accidentally saved

Life Plan A and B – 荼蘼

1760 0

Description: 如薇和有彥的愛情很平凡。他們是可愛、向上、充滿希望!如薇某一天被公司調派上海,深深相愛的他們無法接受遠距戀愛,於是決定一起迎向那個未知的好機會。但,未來真的都能被我們一手掌控嗎?萬一人生的Schedule出現了意外,非要逼你在愛情和事業裡做一抉擇呢? Casts: 楊丞琳, 顏毓麟 Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan

Next Heroes – 真的漢子

1323 0

Description: 海翹(賴雅妍飾)出身富裕家庭,她在小時候遇上一場大地震,被困在瓦礫之中,幸得一名少年把她救了出來,海翹對這個少年留下極深刻的印象,希望終有一日可以再與他重逢。多年後,海翹從國外學成歸國,她不顧父親反對,毅然與妹妹海漢子(林可彤飾)投考警校。海翹在警校內認識了教官高倉(路斯明飾),高倉幹練精明、疾惡如仇,可以為了正義不惜犧牲自己的前途,更令翹驚喜的是,倉正是當年那個救了自己的少年。為了伸張正義,高倉率領著海翹、漢子及梁爽(林佑威飾)等眾隊員,悍然無懼挑戰權貴,終於偵破多宗轟動台灣的大案… Casts: 林佑威, 賴雅妍 Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan

When I See You Again (Cantonese) – 他看她的第2眼

1567 0

Description: 安希在撲浪村經營民宿,遇上重大危機。夏又謙離開喧囂的城市回到撲浪村,擅長讀心術的他想著十年前的青春回憶,在寧靜的泳池邊遇上當年讓他受傷的安希,讀心術竟然完全失靈…

Two Fathers (Cantonese) – 兩個爸爸

1320 0

Description: 唐翔希是一位辯才無礙的明星律師,而溫振華是一位溫暖細膩的花店老闆。 兩個黃金單身漢卻因一通來自醫院的電話,徹底改變了他們的人生。原來兩人曾共同愛上的女人,在醫院留下一名女嬰後從此消失… Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan Director: Liu Junjie Cast: Weber Yang, Lin You Wei, Megan Lai, Amanda Chou, Liang Jing

The Royal Gambler – 大撲

2049 0

Description: 大撲由《假面》南健導演和《武士白東修》權順奎作家共同打造的作品,描述雖然擁有王統血脈但卻過著賤民生活,過著這種悲慘命運的王子永壽(張根碩 飾),與以王子身分出生,並擁有所有事物的王子英祖(呂珍九 飾),兩人的愛情與命運,得到王座並且展開了兩人的對立的故事。 Casts: Jang Keun Suk Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan

My Lawyer Mr. Joe – 鄰家律師趙德浩

2093 0

Description: 由模媽余曉彤帶大家到南澳自駕遊,由阿得萊德駛至墨爾本,沿途經歷城市不同風光,感受當地風土人情和體驗生活。當了媽媽的余曉彤第一次放下家庭出走旅行,放下其他生活重擔,回復自由身創蕩世界,給自己一個獨一無二的悠長假期,重新體驗和定義生活。 Casts: 余曉彤 Language: Cantonese Country: Taiwan

Lovestore at the Corner (Cantonese) – 巷弄裡的那家書店

2301 0

Description: A woman went for a hike in the mountain and was never heard from again. Her disappearance caused a ripple effect on everyone she touched and connected these group of unrelated strangers. Through the books she left behind, they

Hwajung (Cantonese) – 華政

1907 0

Description: Drama series follows the rise and fall of Princess Jeongmyeong. Princess Jeongmyeong was born to King Seongjo of the Joseon Dynasty period. After her younger brother is killed by older stepbrother, Prince Gwanghae, she falls from her position as

Love Me Or Leave Me (Cantonese) – 我,租了一個情人

2110 0

Description: Ji Qing (Ann Hsu) has commitment issues because of her parents failed marriage and her father’s infidelity. Even though she is in a stable and loving relationship with her longtime boyfriend Fang Hao Ming (Chris Wang), she hesitates when

Aoi Honoo (Cantonese) – 青之炎

2339 0

Description: 上世紀80年代初的日本,當年正是日本動畫文化最輝煌的年代。故事主角是大阪藝術大學的新生,志願是要成為出色的漫畫家。對實力很有自信的他,因假想敵活躍而感到焦躁、掙扎,但亦從中得到勇氣,在跌跌撞撞中,能否走上職業漫畫家的道路,繼續追求夢想…..