Trivisa – 樹大招風
Description: In early 1997, mobsters Kwai Ching-hung, Yip Kwok-foon and Cheuk Tze-keung, whom have never met one another, happen to appear in the same restaurant. Thereafter, rumour has it that Hong Kong’s three most notorious mobsters is plotting together for a big heist. Everyone believes that the trio wants to score a final hit before the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong. However, the trio is unaware of the rumour. Cheuk has recently abducted the son of a rich tycoon and successfully extorted a ransom of HK$3 billion albeit under police surveillance, putting him at the peak of his criminal career. Unable to seek a new breakthrough, he hears about the rumour and becomes obsessed with the idea, even going to extreme lengths by opening seeking Yip and Kwai, both of whom are living in seclusion.
During a police and robber shootout, Yip was able to suppress the Royal Hong Kong Police with his powerful firearms, which shook the whole city. Living as a fugitive, Yip makes his fortunes in another way by smuggling counterfeit electronics. Powerful and prestigious in the past, Yip must now grovel to high Chinese officials. Although successful in his business, he continues to depress himself. When the rumour comes to him, his inner anger explodes and is determined to give up everything and and pick up his gun once again join forces with Cheuk.
Kwai is very cautious and uses several pseudonyms to hide his identity. Although the scale of his crimes is nowhere as large as Yip’s and Cheuk’s, but he has managed to commit repeated robberies that are totally unknown to the police. Small-scale robberies, which have become his expertise, have minimal risk but also little profit. As he hears of the rumour, although he realizes that he will make a large fortune by collaborating with Yip and Cheuk, he initially restrains himself and chooses to ignore it. However, as his heart of greed shows up, Cheuk begins to have second thoughts.
As the trio comes to a preliminary contact, their criminal careers also come to an end. Cheuk gets arrested red-handed by the Chinese police while attempting to smuggle explosives to Hong Kong. An irritated Yip shoots two police patrols who ridicule him, unaware of their colleagues who return fire. Kwai is seized by the police at the home of his former follower, who has retired from the criminal world.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 96 Minutes
Release Date: 7 April 2016
Director: Frank Hui, Jevons Au, Vicky Wong
Cast: Gordon Lam, Richie Jen, Jordan Chan
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