Triumph in the Skies – 衝上雲宵

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December 28, 2018
Sunshine Heartbeat - 赤沙印記@四葉草.2
The Final Combat - 蓋世豪俠

Description: Samuel (Ng Chun Yu. Francis) and Vincent (Ma TakChung, Joe) are good friends. They both are striving to become the first Chinese captain. They meet a stewardess lsabelle (Chan Wai Shan Flora) and both fall in love with her.
Samuel’s parents divorced each other and he had to be separated from his brother lsaac (Ng Cheuk Hai) lsaac is now a pilot trainee and meets Samuel again. They both become good friends of Zoe (Wu Myoile) who works for the HK Airport Corporation Later Zoe finds herself in love with Samuel.
Isaac Zita (Ye Michelle) Donald (Chan Kin Fung Sammul) Chris (Wong Chung Chak Bosco) and Roy (Ma Kwok Ming) are assigned to be trained in Australia as pilots. Can these five energetic youngsters fumish their dreams?
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): Poon Ka Tak
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 40 Episodes
Release Date: 2003
Cast: Francis Ng, Flora Chan, Joe Ma, Myolie Wu, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, Michelle Ye
Genre: Romance, Modern Drama

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