Tricky King (1998) – 超級整蠱霸王

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April 12, 2023
The Seven Angels (1985) - 歡昌
United We Stand (1986) - 飛躍羚羊

Description:The third in the ‘Tricky’ series of films, Tricky King is another bonkers mix of bizarre slapstick comedy, speeded up chases, silly sound effects and practical-jokery from producer Wong Jing. Eric Kot stars as Ohmygod, a bumbling nice-guy who joins a gang of professional ‘tricksters’ who are employed by the son of a rich businessman to trick his half-sister.

Also Known As: Chao ji zheng gu ba wang
Director: Wong Jing, Aman Chang
Genres: Comedy
Tags: Gambling (Vote or add tags)

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