Tricky King (1998) – 超級整蠱霸王
Description:The third in the ‘Tricky’ series of films, Tricky King is another bonkers mix of bizarre slapstick comedy, speeded up chases, silly sound effects and practical-jokery from producer Wong Jing. Eric Kot stars as Ohmygod, a bumbling nice-guy who joins a gang of professional ‘tricksters’ who are employed by the son of a rich businessman to trick his half-sister.
Also Known As: Chao ji zheng gu ba wang
Director: Wong Jing, Aman Chang
Genres: Comedy
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Dragon Fight 1989 – 龍在天涯
2210 0Swordsman 1990 – 笑傲江湖 Godfather’s Daughter Mafia Blues (1991) – 烈火情仇 Description:Jimmy and Tiger are members of the Chinese national wushu team. The two are in Los Angeles to perform exhibitions. However, for Tiger, he plans to defect to L.A.
Warriors of Future – 明日戰記
2155 0Sakra – 天龍八部之喬峯傳 IRON BUTTERFLY III – TOMORROW – 特警90 III 明日天涯 Description: A meteorite brings an extraterrestrial life to the earth. When powerful alien creatures threaten humanity, Commander Sing Lee’s elite forces are almost wiped out, and the surviving
Flirting Scholar – 唐伯虎點秋香
1560 0Customs Frontline (2024) – 海關戰線 Miss Granny – 重返20歲 Description: 唐伯虎(周星驰 饰)身为江南四大才子之首,却有道不尽的心酸。宁王想唐伯虎帮忙图谋作反,唐伯虎只好用内功改变脉象,令众人都相信他命不久矣。母亲埋怨他不应该把功夫暴露,因为他们家族一直被当年的仇人追杀。唐伯虎在与朋友出游时,遇到了貌若天仙的秋香并对她一见钟情,决心要到华府当 家丁以追求秋香,唐伯虎被取名华安。期间华太师遇到了宁王上门刁难,幸好有唐伯虎出面相助,并暴露了自己是唐伯虎的身份。秋香才知道华安是自己欣赏的唐伯虎。华夫人跟唐家有怨,因此二人便开始斗法。怎料宁王跟夺命书生再次上门,华夫人不是对手,幸得唐伯虎出手,华夫人也答应把秋香许配给唐伯虎。 导演: 李力持 编剧: 李力持 / 谷德昭 / 陈文强 主演: 周星驰 / 巩俐 / 陈百祥 / 郑佩佩 / 朱咪咪 / 更多… 类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 古装 制片国家/地区:
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