Tracer (Season 2) – 트레이서 2 (English subtitles)

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March 17, 2022
Tracer (Season 2) - 트레이서 2 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
A Superior Day - 우월한 하루 (English subtitles)

Description: This is a drama about a no-filter, crazy man with guts, taking revenge on the Korean National Tax Office.

Hwang Dong Joo (Im Si Wan)is the chief of taxation division 5 at the National Tax Service. He works hard to trace money that is hidden from the tax service. His team includes Seo Hey Young (Go Ah Sung), who has a bright personality and his boss is Oh Young (Park Yong Woo). Meanwhile, In Tae Joon (Son Hyun Joo) is the director of a regional tax office. He is an ambitious man.

Times:08 Episodes
Release Date:25 February 2022
Production company(s):MBC / WAVVE
Director:Lee Seung Young
Cast:Im Si Wan, Park Min Soo, Go Ah Sung, Son Hyun Joo, Park Yong Woo, Choo Sang Mi

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