Today’s Webtoon – 오늘의 웹툰 (English subtitles)

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July 29, 2022
Big Mouth - 빅마우스 (English subtitles)
Taxi Driver (Cantonese) - 模範的士

Description: This drama is based on manga series “Juhan Shuttai!” by Naoko Matsudawhich was first published on 2022-November in monthly Japanese seinen manga magazine Monthly Big Comic Spirits.

It’s tells the story of On Ma Eum (Kim Se Jung), a former judo athlete, who struggles to adapt to her new job as webtoon editor after retiring as an athlete due to an injury.

Genre:Comedy, TV Series
Times:12 Episodes
Release Date:29 July 2022
Production company(s):SBS
Director:Jo Soo Won, Kim Young Hwan
Cast:Kim Se Jung, Daniel Choi, Nam Yoon Soo, Ko Chang Suk, Kim Kap Soo, Son Dong Woon

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