To Grow With Love – 肥田囍事

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December 27, 2017
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Description: Tina Ho Me-Tin (Myolie Wu) is an overweight woman who is determined to find her soulmate. Tina wants to find someone who thinks the same way she does and whom she can communicate with. She placed yellow hand prints under a painting of the sun setting, if that ONE man knew those handprints were a Sunflower; he’s her soulmate. She flees to Hong Kong to get away from her frustrating father. There, she meets up with her cousin, Maggie Kwok Bo-Lok (Selena Li).

Tina meets a fashion designer named Daniel Dai Hei (Andy Hui). She works for his company D-Day but her designs are horrible. At first Daniel hates Tina, but he learns to accept her a little bit after seeing how much she has to struggle in Hong Kong. She has helped him quite a bit also, emotionally.

Upon the decision of firing her due to her lack of designing skills, Daniel begins treating her much nicer. However, Tina uses him to trick her father. On a misunderstanding everyone thought Tina had lost her virginity to her boss, her father traveled all the way to Hong Kong. With the help of her land lady (Gigi Wong), they devise a meeting between Tina’s father and Daniel. With verbal interruptions, they prevented either of them from discovering the truth, temporarily.

Tina’s father, however, sees Daniel with his actual girlfriend – whom he introduced – and decides to take action against her daughters ‘two-timing boyfriend’. One thing leads to the next and Daniel, comprehending what had happened, becomes very angry. Daniel’s girlfriend, Rachel Sung Ma-Yee (Claire Yiu), finds out what happened and takes it the wrong way. However, Daniel fires Tina and insults her harshly, then tells Rachel that he has nothing to do with her. Tina is very upset and goes back home in The Philippines.

When Rachel goes to Philippines for a business trip, Daniel wants to give her a surprise and goes to visit her. He goes to a jewelry shop to buy a Rachel a present where he meets Tina’s fiancé, Mak Ka-Fai (Kenneth Ma). While talking, they both get hit by a car. Tina’s fiancé falls into a coma, while Daniel loses his memory. Tina decides to use this to her advantage and get revenge on Daniel for all the awful things he has done to her. First, she decides to fatten him up (because she knows how much he hates fat people), and then makes him fall in love with her. She plans to break up with him and break his heart. However, Tina found herself falling for him too!

肥田戴喜 針鋒相對 何美田出生於菲律賓,父親何念鄉乃當地富豪,念鄉為美田選擇了一個他心目中的理想女婿,念鄉肯定這人不是為騙財而來。但是美田對這人一點感覺都沒有,所以把心一橫,毅然決定逃婚! 當她逃婚來到香港,卻面對一個完全不同的世界,這裡先敬羅衣後敬人,不論是人是物,樣樣講求包裝。雖然社會不斷鼓吹公平平等,但無論生活上或者工作上,又焉能不遇上歧視?而當中歧視得最利害要緊的一個,就是我們的男主角戴喜。 戴喜是一位青年才俊,城中頂級設計師,年紀輕輕已擁有自己品牌的連鎖店。故事裡面,他是以貌取人的代表人物。作為時裝界寵兒,他深明這個世界什麼也講求包裝,所以對儀容,他要求得一絲不苟,他認為一個人連自己的儀容都管理不好,又怎能做好其他工作!這是他的相人之道。 當男女主角一旦遇上,一個講求人靠衣裝,一個講求心靈至上,一個講計算,一個求感覺。喜簡直可以說是美田的剋星,因為誤會和偏見,喜和美田多番衝突。然後陰差陽錯之下,美田竟進入了喜的服裝連鎖店當售貨員,剋星當正老闆,美田哪有好日子過?但是為了租金、為了伙食,美田唯有死忍。 戴喜失憶 由憐生愛 喜一直高高在上的打壓美田,但美田卻找到了反擊機會。一次意外,喜記憶全失,收留他的人偏偏是美田,美田一直受氣,這回實行大反擊啦!喜出事的地點正好就是在菲律賓,剛好是美田與父親關係好轉,美田回到自己的地方,碰上失憶的喜。於是美田便騙喜,說他是自己的男朋友,把他留在身邊加以作弄,將壓積的冤氣全部發洩。 但在這段時間,美田發現到喜的另一面,放下一切包袱,美田看到解除保護盔甲後的喜,其實跟自己有好多共通點,原來這個男人也可以很率真,也可以很可愛,甚至跟自己有少少心靈相通的感覺! 當初,美田只想出一口烏氣,戲弄喜一番,便會把他送返香港,讓他回到家人身邊,可是就愈拖愈久,因為已經有點不捨了!美田怕他回復記憶,又變回那個極討人厭的戴喜。但美田同時亦知道,這段虛假的關係不可能維持一世。這只是短暫的童話時空,總有返回現實的一刻。 回歸現實 最愛是誰 喜最終回復記憶,自我保護的程式又自動開啟。當然,他記得失憶期間,跟美田之間的快樂相處,但他不能接受自己竟會愛上美田,美田根本不符合他的擇偶標準,何況,喜本身已經有一個固定女友──宋曼頤,一個各方面都符合世俗審美價值的女人,而且對喜事業極有幫助。所以,無論對美田的感覺多強烈也好,喜拒絕承認。 喜為了證明自己所愛的是完美的宋曼頤,竟要跟頤結婚!而美田亦為了理想,加入婚紗公司當婚禮策劃,所接的第一個顧客竟是喜和頤的婚禮!美田本想逼令喜承認所愛是自己,但喜諸般排擠美田,態度之惡劣,更甚於失憶之前,田於是只好退出! 正當喜以為可以和頤有一段美滿的婚姻時,喜卻發現自己無法忘掉美田,而頤亦心知喜所愛的人其實是美田,頤把心一橫,竟然出賣喜!原來頤早移情別戀,與喜的生意伙伴蔣一鳴在喜失憶其間暗渡陳倉,在一鳴的糾纏下,頤只得作出取拾,站到一鳴一邊,設計侵吞了喜的公司! 這時候,身處谷底的戴喜,首先想到的人,卻是美田,當他將要失去所有的時候,他發現自己最不想失去的,就是這個他最看不上眼的胖女子。 喜向美田真情表白,但情感重傷的美田,已經不再容易相信別人,她懷疑喜的用心,會是來報仇?來作弄我?還是想騙我父親的錢救他的公司?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 21 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Andy Hui, Myolie Wu, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li, Claire Yiu, Jack Wu
Genre: TV Series

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