Threesome – 三個女人一個「因」

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September 26, 2020
Threesome - 三個女人一個「因」 - Episode 01
Married But Available - 我瞞結婚了

Description: Born into a family of lawyers, Fong Yi Yan has a top name in the legal industry, as her mentor. She is an outstanding student, but after she completes her pupillage, she turns on him and frequently opposes him in court. Fong Yi Yan conceals the fact that she has multiple personality disorder. One of her alter egos is a wild player, who is brave and ruthless. Another alter ego is timidand pessimistic, wearing a constant frown on her face. Lei Dung Kwai discovers Fong Yi Yan’s secret and uses it to blackmail her into hiring him as a trainee. Fong Yi Yan reluctantly agrees in order to ensure that she can marry Gei Hui Yung, a highly eligible bachelor. Thus begins an extraordinary experience for them. Because of sudden personality switches, Fong Yi Yan often has embarrassing moments in court, which is the source of much laughter. The only person who knows about the origins of Fong Yi Yan’s disorder is her mother, Fong Wah Yee Sze. Unfortunately, Fong Wah Yee Sze refuses to talk about the past. Meanwhile, Lei Dung Kwai becomes good friends with Fong Yi Yan’s alter egos. In order to eliminate a future cause of trouble, Fong Yi Yan is determined to make them disappear.


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 18 February 2018
Cast: Mandy Wong, Benjamin Yuen, Jason Chan, Gigi Wong, Snow Suen, Arnold Kwok

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