The Way We Were (Cantonese) – 16個夏天

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April 28, 2020
The Way We Were (Cantonese) - 16個夏天 - Episode 01
Behind Your Smile (Cantonese) - 閣浮士德的微笑


Description: While in college, Jia-Ni Tang (Ruby Lin) falls in love with her schoolmate(also neighborhood) Wei-De Fang (Weber Yang) after she agrees with Wei-De’s idea of an eye for an eye, when she catches her boyfriend cheating with another girl. However, broader events intervene in their romance: during the historic 921 earthquake in Taiwan, Jia Ni’s friend Jun-Jie Wang (Melvin Sia) becomes crippled in one leg. Out of obligation and compassion, Jia-Ni decides to marry Jun-Jie. When Jia Ni and Wei-De run into each other again in 2008, she is a married woman and he is about to walk down the aisle. They are still in love but part as friends. But when fate brings the two back together at another wedding in 2013, will they make the same decision?

Language: Cantonese
Country: Taiwan
Release Date: 30 August 2016 (J2)
Director: Fu-Hsiang Hsu
Cast: Ruby Lin, Weber Yang, Ann Hsu, Melvin Sia, Jason Tsou

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