The Trail of Love – 前世冤家

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August 28, 2018
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Description: During the Tang Dynasty, imperial concubine Yeung (Elizabeth Lee) and Empress Mui (Tsang Wah Sin) compete for Emperor Yuen’s favor and they hated each other. When the news of Mui’s pregnancy spread, Yeung was furious. With the help of eunuch Tin (Au Yeung Chun Wah), she killed Mui. Time flies and it was the 90’s. Yeung, Mui, Tin and Yuen met again. History seemed repeating itself and Yeung and Mui were competing for Yuen once more. Who would win Yuen this time? And was Mui doomed for death again?

話說唐朝楊貴妃與梅妃因爭取玄宗的寵愛而勢成水火,各不相讓,終於梅妃因身懷龍胎而獲冊封為后。貴妃只得含恨回宮,向兄長國忠哭訴棋差一著;國忠不值,向玄宗告密,陷害指梅妃腹中為孽種,疑與假太監欽天監有染,梅妃大呼冤枉,玄宗怒不可遏,將她打入冷宮,天監則收押天牢。 天監得好友宋二哥之助逃離天牢,直奔冷宮要帶梅妃走;國忠向貴妃和盤托出整個陷害梅妃之計劃,貴妃知涉及人命,非同小可,衝往冷宮救梅妃,竟在御花園與梅妃相遇,梅妃以為貴妃來加害,貴妃卻欲帶梅妃向玄宗解釋,二人有理說不清,混亂爭執糾纏間,梅妃頭上金釵墮地,貴妃拾起時竟誤刺中梅妃,貴妃大驚失手一推,把梅妃連人帶釵墮入荷花池,迅速沒頂;天監被守衛所擒與玄宗剛趕至,目睹一切,天監含恨向貴妃及玄宗,指十世因果十世還,梅妃必會找二人報仇。 時光飛逝,一晃十世,冥冥之中令貴妃、梅妃、玄宗、天監又在茫茫人海中再度重遇,今生各人將會如何化解十世前的種種恩怨

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1995
Cast: Maggie Tsang, Elizabeth Lee, Bobby Au Yeung, Leo Ku

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