The Threshold Of A Persona – ID精英

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June 21, 2018
Succession War - 天命
Greed Mask - 謎情家族

Description: Immigration Department (ID) is guarding the door of Hong Kong, andseeks out to prevent doubtful identities and criminals from enteringHong Kong. It only not creates a highly demanding task for immigrationofficer and also raises a further question – how will they makeidentity verification as accurate as possible?
FONG TSUN KIT (Kwok Chun On) becomes friends with two other candidatesCHENG PAK YU (Cho Wing Lim) and YIP ON KEI (Mung Ka Wai, Yoyo) whileapplying for a post in the Immigration Department. YU is an aggressiveperson. He later moves to the Police Force and is promoted to SeniorInspector of Regional Crime Unit. While investigating a murder case, herealizes that the new gang leader WU KIT SUM (Wong Tak Bun) has killedsomebody because of KIT’s wife. It totally turns KIT’s life upsidedown. As a good friend, KEI helps KIT take care of his son after afailed relationship with YU. When two hearts meet, an extraordinarylink spontaneously draws them together. Meanwhile, AU SHUN FUNG(Patrick Tang) appreciates KIT’s ability very much and recommends himto MAK KAI MING (John Chiang), Head of Investigation Section. KIT gainsapproval and he is determined to start anew. While carrying out aninvestigation on a fraud syndicate, he comes upon his missing wife anduncovers her long-hidden identity.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Roger Kwok, Yoyo Mung, Patrick Tang, Toby Leung, Raymond Cho, Natalie Tong
Genre: TV Series

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