The Threat of Love – Loving You 我愛你

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February 3, 2023
The Threat of Love - Loving You 我愛你 - Episode 01
PTU - PTU機動部隊

Description: “Ma Ma, I Love You” tells the story of a mother who sacrifices everything for her children. “The Sky is Red” tells the deep, intriguing love story of a prostitute. “My Partner” – What would you do when you discover both of your sons are gay? “Unbridled Passion” – How would you choose between a loyal husband and a romantic lover? “Breaking Through The Age Boundary” – Age does not matter if you are truly in love. “Midnight Lover” – One night stand between a traditional woman and a charming pilot. Will the moonlight kisses turn into a lifetime love story? “Unstable Zone” – Television host of a sex program is tempted by a passionate girl. Would he commit adultery? “The Lottery” – Will money bring power to the suppressed husbands? “My Brother” – a story of an unconditional friendship. “Women” – Will artificial beauty pinch the hearts of their lovers?
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 10 Episodes
Release Date: 2000
Cast: Nancy Sit, Lawrence Ng, Sheren Tang

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