The Rippling Blossom – 魚躍在花見

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December 1, 2020
The Rippling Blossom - 魚躍在花見 - Episode 01
The Impossible 3 - 非凡三侠


A Hong Kong dining mogul leaves behind a sushi restaurant to his second wife, Kong Ying-yuet (Lisa Lui), their son, Yue Chi-hiu (Michael Tse) and the son from his third wife, Yue Chi-ying (Julian Cheung).

Hiu and Ying are remarkable Japanese cuisine chefs whose main aim in life is to pursue excellence in cuisine. Although Hiu and Ying are half-brothers, they get along very well.W

hen their father’s first wife, Lang Yung-yung (Angelina Lo), creates trouble for the restaurant, Hiu declares to challenge her, claiming whoever wins will have the restaurant.

Yung sends her personal nurse, Choi Sze-lung (Tavia Yeung) to get close to Hiu. He is completely smitten by love for her but soon becomes unhappy with their lukewarm relationship.

On the other hand, their supply for fresh food has been shut out. Ying has to make a trip to Hokkaido, Japan to buy fish. He meets Keung Keung (Myolie Wu), a willful girl from a wealthy family on the plane. They also meet Mo-yung Ching (Damian Lau) who is known as “The God of Fish” in the market. As the relationship between Ying and Keung Keung grows, she finds out that Mo-yung Ching is her long lost father. Mo-yung Ching becomes Ying’s mentor and helps him through the competition to win the first overseas Japanese restaurant franchise in Hong Kong. As Ying’s career grows, Hiu becomes more jealous of his brother and starts to scheme with Choi Sze-lung to get his father’s fortunes.

As Hiu and Ying have setbacks in their career, family and their loved ones after their attempt to save the restaurant, the brothers decide to have a competition. Hiu removes his jealousy of Ying and holds a placid mood to take part in this fair competition. When the judge is going to announce the final result, Ying receives a call that says Keung Keung suffered an accident and now she is in hospital. Ying immediately leaves the competition without knowing the result. Fortunately, Keung Keung recovers after several days. Then, Hiu tells Ying that Ying is the winner in last competition and he is proud of him
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2011
Cast: Julian Cheung, Michael Tse, Myolie Wu, Damian Lau, Tavia Yeung, Lisa Lui, Ngo Ka-nin, Angelina Lo

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