The Prince Of Tennis (Mandarin) – 奮鬥吧 少年

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July 24, 2019
Rules Of Zoovenia (Mandarin) - 不可思議的晴朗
The King’s Avatar (Mandarin) - 全職高手

Description: 奋斗吧少年 / 奋斗吧,少年! / Wang Qiu Shao Nian / Tennis Boys / 网球少年
Long Ma is a tennis prodigy who lived in US since he was a child with his parents. He has inherited his father’s outstanding strength and tennis talent. However, trapped under the shadow of his father, Long Ma only sees tennis as a tool to win over him, losing the passion and happiness in playing tennis altogether. Upon returning to China, he joins in a high school tennis team and met various tennis masters. Here, he begins to realize the meaning of tennis and figure out his own identity as a player. In the process of working to win the national league, Long Ma and his teammates learn to work as a group and understands the importance of friends.


40 Episodes
22 July 2019



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