The New Heaven Sword & The Dragon Sabre – 倚天屠龍記

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May 1, 2019
The New Heaven Sword & The Dragon Sabre - 倚天屠龍記 - Episode 01
Till Death Do Us Part - 婚內情

Description: 「武林至尊,寶刀屠龍,號令天下,莫敢不從!倚天不出,誰與爭鋒」,這句在武林流傳了百年,武林各派為之生死相鬥,故事便由屠龍刀的出現開始,帶起連番恩怨。 武當五俠張翠山趕回武當山為掌門張三丰祝壽途中,巧遇天鷹教的殷素素,山、素互不知對方身份,但二人交手之下,素已被山的人格及武功所深深吸引著。此時,武當三俠俞岱岩前往與山會合途中,無意間得到屠龍刀,但卻遭素兄妹暗算兼奪去寶刀。素不忍岩毒發而死,遂以重酬委托龍門鏢局將岩送回武當,如有閃失,便將鏢局上下七十餘人全部滅門。 豈料押運至武當山時西域少林僧竟假扮武當大弟子宋遠橋騙過眾人,岩被逼問屠龍刀下落不果,竟被盡斷四肢筋脈。其後素才知悉岩原來是山的師兄,但一切已是太遲,素決要龍門鏢局承擔後果,鏢局遭一夜滅門,但事件竟直指乃山所為,及後素道出一切且承認是她嫁禍山,目的令武當、少林相鬥,山念素目的救其師兄,不再追究。 其時,天鷹教在五盤山舉行「揚刀立威」大會,素與山赴會,但金毛獅王謝遜突然撲至,更以超凡技倆震壓群雄奪得寶刀,最後更以「獅子吼」震瘋群,並挾持山、素離開坐船北上,覓地鑽研屠龍刀秘密,豈料船撞冰山,遜又因七傷拳舊患加劇,狂性大發,素終以毒針打盲遜,偕山乘浮冰逃生。 素、山飄流至冰火島上並結成夫婦,可是遜亦飄流而至。山以遜瞎眼難以獨居,逐與遜達成協議和平共存。素臨盆之日,遜再度狂性大發,幸嬰孩哭聲把遜喚醒,素為安全計把孩子與遜上契,並改名「無忌」。 忌十歲生日時,遜憑風向計算到回中原之法,把山一家三口擲上木筏,逼三人離去,自己與屠龍刀終老於孤島上。可是當三人回歸中原後,噩夢接種而來,武林中人無不追問遜下落,其人玄冥二老更以「玄冥神掌」擊傷忌。那邊廂,山、素亦不得好過,岩從聲音辨認出素就是當年發蚊鬚針傷己的人,素坦認當日罪行,山愧對岩,且不肯供出義兄下落。為免禍及武當,山當眾自刎一死,而素亦隨山自盡。 當忌十六歲時,丰一直竭盡所能治忌,可是多年仍是枉然,後來忌巧遇明教醫仙胡青牛及影響忌一生的女子周芷若,雖然牛亦未能把忌治癒,但忌幸運地習得州盍世武學「九陽神功」,忌不單武功大進,更把體內寒毒盡驅。當年的若已亭亭玉立,並且成為峨嵋派弟子,忌前往明教光明頂途中重遇若,若為使忌全身而退,在比試中故意敵不過忌,可是正當各門各派鬥得兩敗供傷之際,成崑突然以少林僧身份出現,並暗算眾人,幸得忌臨危使出「九陽神功」,才把崑擊退,而明教中人更因此而深深佩服忌,並推舉忌為明教新教主。 正當忌往少林追查崑時,忌遇上生命中最重要的女人趙敏,敏攜著倚天劍引誘眾人至山莊並毒害眾人,忌為取解得解藥與敏同墮機關,二人相處期間,敏漸對忌暗生情愫。與此同時,少林寺被神秘人血洗,且有意嫁禍明教。 另一方面,敏假冒「明教教主」,誘少林、武當歸順朝廷,可是敏詭計被忌悉破,忌更以小道士「清風」代丰出戰,大敗敏手下,並逼敏交出「黑玉斷續膏」為眾人療傷,可是敏要忌答允日後為她做三件事方肯交出藥膏。自此,忌、敏、若三人便展開了一段段欲斷難斷、刻骨銘心的愛情旅途。
Incessant wars arise in the martial world since the appearance of the Dragon Sabre and the Heaven Sword. Fights among different sects for these two swords have led to a great deal of bloodshed. It is said that the good and the wicked do not co-exist, but the `Sword Fight` has amazingly reconciled some of them and in turn has made them lovers. CHEUNG TSUI SHAN (LAU CHUNG YAN) of MuDong Sect meets YAN SO SO (YIM MICHELLE) of the Tin Ying Sect because of the Dragon Sabre. They fall in love with each other deeply but their union turns out to be a tragedy of fate. SHAN commits suicide to make atonement and SO takes her life for her husband. Nobody should be labelled as being good or evil by his identity but his nature. As the son of SHAN who is a member of an orthodox sect, CHEUNG MAO GE (NG KAI WAH) by chance is forced to take charge of an unorthodox sect. GE engages in breaking the wall between the virtuous and the evil. GE, being passionate but indecisive, is torn by the conflicting emotions of love for two girls, CHOW TZE YUEK (Sheh Charmaine) of the Ngor Mei Sect and the Mongolian Princess, CHIU MAN (LAI CHI, GIGI). YUEK, after suffering from the love-hate relationship with GE, develops from a respectable member of an orthodox sect to a tragic heroine; meanwhile CHIU MAN, a symbol of evil, is deeply touched by GE’s love and does repent. She gives up her rank and wealth and follows GE to the four corners of the world. A masterpiece of CHIN YUNG is once again filmed and screened. With the completely new casting, it certainly will bring about unprecedented surprise!
Lawrence Ng, Gigi Lai, Charmaine Sheh, Joyce Tang, Cherie Chan
Times: 42 Episodes
Release: 09 April 2001
Production company(s): TVB

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