The Mysteries of Love – 談情說案

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June 8, 2017
The Jade Fox - 玉面飛狐
Knot to Treasure - 婚姻物語

Description: This is a love story between a professor and a policewoman. Their dating experience is enhanced with sense and sensibility through the application of interesting physics theories on the investigation of various crime cases.

KING POK (Raymond Lam) is regarded as the youngest genius in physics and he is appointed as an associate professor in a Hong Kong university. Invited by his good friend LO TIN-HANG (KennethMa), Senior Inspector of Police at Regional Crime Unit, POK assists in cracking many mysterious crime cases and he also meets the policewoman CHUI SIU-LAI (Tavia Yeung) during the process. The rational POK evaluates that he has fallen in love with LAI because of a love hormone called “phenylalanine”. However, owing to the huge difference in their family background and life value, POK fails to tackle their ever-changing relationship problems with formulas.

On the other hand, the romantic and uninhibited HANG has been maintaining a sex only relationship with the journalist LING MAN-KA (BerniceLiu) HANG doesn’t believe in eternity and he is only looking for sensual pleasure in a woman. However, his belief is suddenly shattered when he learns that MAN is going to get married.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: May 24, 2010
Cast: Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, Kenneth Ma, Bernice Liu, Chan Chin Pang, Lee Kwok Lun, Mary Hon, Law Lok Lam

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