The Menu – 導火新聞線

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March 9, 2015
Sexpedia - 大眾情性
Eye In The Sky - 天眼

themenu-posterDescription: Supervising and maintaining an orderly society has always been a responsibility that the Media should partake in and support –however, the perception of the news media is oftentimes synonymous with the promotion of violence, sex, bloodiness, and overall havoc in society.  The series will revolve around 3 female news agency workers with very different philosophies on life who, in efforts to gather material for publication of their free newspaper Smart Post (囧報), engage in nearly daily arguments and conflicts.  The chief editor of the newspaper is a woman driven by profit who does not hesitate in publishing unscrupulous, sensationalist reports, even if it means sacrificing moral reporting standards and ethics.  At the same time, the agency’s supervisory staff and reporters are filled with an almost patriotic desire to make the voices of the weak and vulnerable in society heard loud and clear, while simultaneously bringing to light society’s many injustices.  In the face of reality – that is, a commercialized society and the injustices that go along with it — a newspaper that even those in the same industry look down upon, continues to persevere;  ultimately motivated by different goals, its staff continues to struggle daily to reveal – and, in some cases, hide – the truth.  In such a pressure-filled environment, how will the news agency’s staff uphold righteousness while at the same time protect their own reporting aspirations?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): HKTV
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 24 Episodes
Release Date: 10 March 2015
Cast: Noelle Leung , Catherine Chau , Kate Yeung , Gregory Wong , Shek Sau , Benji Chiang , Samuel Kwok , Felix Lok , Dexter Young , Anita Chan , Lee Fung , Brian Wong , Meiki Wong

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