The Master Of Tai Chi – 太極

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June 23, 2016
Nirvana in Fire (Cantonese) - 琅琊榜
The Tough Fight - 後生可畏

Description: Orphaned as a child, Mo Ma (Vincent Zhao) grew up in the country and started learning Tai Chi from his mentor at a very young age. The devastating experience of being abandoned by his mother and eventually his mentor as well has left him twisted and full of hatred. After a series of events that leads to his house being burnt down in the village, his best friend Mai Fung-Nin (Kenneth Ma) and him joins the army. After yet another series of events, they saved Yin Chi-Kwai (Myolie Wu) and Yin Chui-Kiu (Selena Li) and travelled to the capital together. In the capital, another series of events leads Mo Ma to be reunited to his mentor and he starts learning Tai Chi from his mentor seriously.

Throughout the series, Mo Ma and his friends will experience many injustice that is planned by the Mayor’s Assistant and the Head Police Officer aided by Lui Yau-Ngo (Derek Kok). The relationships of each character in the series will change and evolve as well especially between Mou Ma and Song Ching (Melissa Ng), Mai Fung-Nin and Yin Chui-Kiu and lastly between Yin Chi-Kwai and Tuen Hiu-Sing (Raymond Lam), Mo Ma’s rival.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2008
Cast: Vincent Zhao, Raymond Lam, Melissa Ng, Myolie Wu, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li, Paul Chun, David Chian, Derek Kok

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