The Lover – 더 러버
Description: It’s an omnibus series about four different couples living together in one apartment complex.
Oh Do Si (Oh Jung Se) and Ryoo Doo Ri (Ryu Hyun Kyung) play the main couple in their 30s who chose to live together instead of getting married, and have been sharing an apartment for two years. Oh Do Si plays a voice actor and Ryoo Doo Ri plays a reviewer who runs a blog.
Choi Jin Nyeo (Choi Yeo Jin) and Jeong Yeong Joon (Jung Joon Young) have been cast as the second couple — they’re twelve years apart in age and have been living together for a year. He’s a pretty-boy singer who carries his guitar everywhere he goes, but doesn’t actually know how to play it all that well. She’s a penny-pinching ajumma in the body of a hot woman who basically supports her much younger boyfriend. He drives her crazy but he’s a good guy at heart, and she can never manage to stay mad at him for long.
Ha Seol Eun (Ha Eun Sul) and Park Hwan Jong (Park Jong Hwan) play a 20s couple that just moved in together. She’s the type of woman who doesn’t want her boyfriend to know that she isn’t the perfect embodiment of femininity, and works tirelessly to keep up the illusion.
Lee Joon Jae (Lee Jae Joon) plays a loner who prefers to stay at home, but is forced to get a roommate for financial reasons. He doesn’t even want to exchange unnecessary small talk with the guy, and thus seeks out a foreigner who can’t speak Korean very well. Takuya (Terada Takuya) plays the new roommate, a young man from Japan who’s on a trip around the world. Takuya thinks it a shame that Lee Joon Jae is wasting his youth as a homebody, and begins to draw him out into the world.
Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Times: 12 Episodes
Release Date: 02 April 2015
Director: Kim Tae Eun
Cast: Oh Jung Se, Ryu Hyun Kyung, Choi Yeo Jin, Jung Joon Young, Ha Eun Sul, Park Jong Hwan, Lee Jae Joon
Genre: Romance, Comedy
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 12(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 11(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 10(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 09(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 08(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 07(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 06(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 05(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 04(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 03(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 02(English subtitles)
The Lover – 더 러버 – Episode 01(English subtitles)
.2015 k Drama English Subtitle K Drama The Lover - 더 러버
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