The Longest Promise (2023) – 玉骨遥 (English subtitles)

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July 1, 2023
Fish Show You (2023) - 鱼生知有你 (English subtitles)
Divine Destiny (2023) - 尘缘 (English subtitles)

Description: From the Kong Sang Continent comes the tale of the tumultuous love story of Princess Zhu Yan of the Chi Yi Tribe and Royal Prince Shi Ying, The framing of the Queen results in the Prince being banished to Jiu Yi Mountain to cultivate. Once solely focused on his tasks, he develops romantic feelings for his disciple Zhu Yan. But their student/teacher relationship prevents either from expressing their true feelings. Fate then works against them when they choose opposing sides in a political struggle of life and death proportions. Eventually, putting aside their issues, they pledge to protect their beloved Kong Sang Continent.

Country: China

Director: Jiang Jia Jun

Actors: Fang YilunHan DongJin ZihanLi MingdeRen MinWang ChuranWang ZiqiXiao ZhanYe Shengjia

Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance

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