The Lonely Warrior (2023) – 三大队 (English subtitles)

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December 19, 2023
The Lonely Warrior (2023) - 三大队 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Like Flowers in Sand (2023) - 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 (English subtitles)

Description: It tells the story of an interrogation accident that sent Detective Cheng Bing (played by Qin Hao) of the Third Brigade to prison and served his sentence. His teammates were implicated and were dismissed and demoted. The former elite Third Brigade of the police fell apart. After ten years in prison, Cheng Bing regained his freedom. His faith collapsed, his blood turned into silence, and he lost everything. The suspect in the case, Wang Dayong, is still at large… Wearing a police uniform for a day is a life of justice. The Third Brigade needed to explain, but unwillingness turned into persistence, and the sharp blade was unsheathed again. Cheng Bing and the brothers from the Third Brigade regrouped and embarked on the road to pursue the murderer. During the lonely and long journey, they cooperated with the police to chase the murderer for thousands of miles. In the process, we rediscover the coordinates of life and the meaning of life. Adapted from the author Shenlan’s literary work “Please tell the director that the mission of the Third Brigade has been completed”.

Country: China

Director: Xing Jian Jun

Actors: Chen MinghaoLi NaiwenMa Yin YinQin HaoTong Liya

Genres: Action, Crime, Drama

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