The Legend of Heroes (2024) – 金庸武侠世界 (English subtitles)

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June 14, 2024
The Legend of Heroes (2024) - 金庸武侠世界 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Jade’s Fateful Love (2024) - 晓朝夕 (English subtitles)

Description: Jin Yong Wuxia Universe is a collection of Jin Yong works adapted into drama by Tencent, with the Legend of the Condor Heroes will be the first title. Jin Yong Wuxia Universe: The Legend of the Condor Heroes series is divided into five short parts: Written by Soompi Forums

Country: China

Director: Cao DunDeng KeWen De GuangYang Lei

Actors: CiShaDongheng LiDuling ChenLily TienMing-DowPeter HoWeiguang GaoYiwei ZhouYuming Du…Ziyi Meng

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