The Kung Fu Master – 京城教一

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January 14, 2019
The Vigilantes in Masks - 怪俠一枝梅
Be Home For Dinner - 誰家灶頭無煙火

Description: During the Ching Dynasty under the throne of Hong Hei, there was a `Kung Fu Contest`, once the sensation of the martial world. NGAU FEI (KWOK JING HUNG) represents the Manchu tribe while TAM TIN (YUEN WAH) represents the Han Tribe. The balance of power was destroyed when TIN was being set up during the competition. TIN lost in the contest. TIN`s father was so irritated that he died throwing up blood. Since then TIN is very depressed and pessimistic. He becomes a coward. In order to fulfil his father`s will, TIN establishes a King Fu House in the hope of searching for a successor. He has had two students. One is a cop in the capital MA BUT PING (NGAI CHUN KIT) and another one is an orphan, LAW HEI (TONG, MICHEAL). The two have had developed a very complicated triangle relationship with TIN`s younger sister, TAM SUET (NG MAN YAN). FEI is always very cautious of TIN. When he learned that TIN has had got successors, he immediately orders his good friend, PING, to assassinate TIN. PING is reluctant to hurt TIN. He then deliberately makes the case widely known so as to attract attention, particularly the Emperor`s attention. FEI sees that his plot is in vain, he then persecutes PING. FEI even discovers that HEI is a Manchu. He makes use of this to forces HEI to leave TIN. FEI gets to know a Han girl, CHU JAN NAM (LEUNG, JAY). FEI and NAM become lovers secretly. NAM breaks up relation with her father for FEI`s sake. NAM even helps FEI to assassinate his imperial enemies. Unfortunately, NAM is caught. In order to protect himself, FEI malignantly intends to ……

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2000
Cast: Yuen Wah, Marco Ngai, Derek Kok

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