The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow – 九五至尊

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July 11, 2020
The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow - 九五至尊 - Episode 01
White War - 战毒


Description: Qing dynasty

The story begins in Qing dynasty, China with Yongzheng Emperor disguising himself among commoners to have a meal outside the imperial courts. At the restaurant he encounters a woman named Lui Sei-neung who was under attack by loan sharks for not returning debts. The emperor comes across her situation, and pays off the debt for her. Later during a ship departure, Lui approaches the emperor and thanks him for his deed. She suddenly reveals herself to be a Ming Dynastyrevolutionist and attempts to kill the emperor. The boat is then all of a sudden caught in a time-traveling vortex/hurricane.

Modern Hong Kong

When they wake up, they are both warped to modern Hong Kong in 2003. The assassin continues her mission to assassinate the emperor in the city, only to find out that he became a commoner and impersonates Lee Dai-ha (literally Big Shrimp Lee). The emperor is somewhat fascinated by the Bermuda Triangle and was looking for explanations of his time travel. They also learn about the fall of the Qing dynasty including the rise of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution and founding of modern China through a historic TV video, which also mentioned the emperor’s death was shrouded in some mystery.

Both the emperor and the assassin encounter difficulties with HK daily life, culture and society. They both end up working in a company that sells kitchen tiles. The emperor and the assassin often find themselves collaborating to deal with opposing co-workers who dislike them. The emperor later fell in love with Rachel, the office worker. The story then becomes a more romantic drama, as the assassin also falls in love with him. She feels there is a special connection between them since they both were from the same dynasty. They end up living together with a host of other characters. The show also contains mini plots such as Ko King getting accused of carrying illegal drugs in a club, Hugo and Kenneth’s homosexual relationship, and many other side stories.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2003
Cast: Kwong Wa, Maggie Cheung Ho-yee, Melissa Ng

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