The Gentle Crackdown – 秀才遇著兵

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February 24, 2016
Glittering Moments - CATWALK 俏佳人
It Runs In The Family - 孖仔孖心肝


Description:What would happen when a slow-paced scholar meets an impetuous constable? During the Ming Dynasty, the world is full of corrupt officials. Master Constable Luk Chin (Yuen Wah) fell in love with the female outlaw Fei Ying (Michelle Yim) and they have a daughter – Luk Sap Hei (Niki Chow).

Hoping to follow in her father’s footsteps, Luk Sap Yee (Niki Chow) is an impulsive and idealistic constable whose skill and competence is often dismissed by her corrupt male peers. Meanwhile, her mother has given up her old ways and keeps her old identity and martial arts skills a secret to watch over her troublesome daughter. When Sui Tong-Lau (Moses Chan), the newly appointed magistrate, arrives in Sap-Yee’s city, they wind up working together to solve a number of unusual cases.
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Moses Chan, Niki Chow, Wayne Lai, Michelle Yim, Halina Tam

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