The Fixer – 拆局專家

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September 2, 2023
Golden Faith - 流金歲月
The Stew Of Life - 有營煮婦

the-fixer-posterDescription: When the cops, the lawyers, or the triads come across problems they can’t fix, they will call upon a team of misfits—“the fixers”—an underground band of experts who work together to solve unsolvable cases. This team is led by the crafty Szeto Sam Ping (Chin Ka Lok 錢嘉樂), and together with legal consultant Lui Lui (Mandy Wong 黃智雯), talented hacker Mak Ping On (Tracy Chu 朱千雪), flirty thief Chan Dai Man (Timmy Hung 洪天明), and former government official Bak Shun (Henry Lo 魯振順), the fixers take extreme, often illegal measures to help their clients solve their problems.

Under Sam Ping’s lead, the team is unstoppable. But when Sam Ping reunites with his younger half-brother, OCTB sergeant Mak Hang Chik (Benjamin Yuen 袁偉豪), who he hasn’t seen in many years, Sam Ping learns that his mother, Chu Fung Yee (Gigi Wong 黃淑儀), is gravely ill with dementia. To make up for the lost years, Sam Ping tries to fix the estrangement with his family.

A mysterious man shows up and exposes Sam Ping’s team, putting them all in danger. His own brother turning against him, Sam Ping is being hunted by both sides of the spectrum. He is trapped with a problem that he can’t fix.
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 21 Episodes
Release Date: 10 August 2015
Director: Lee Kit Wo, Hui Siu Ping, Koon Kwok Wai, Yiu Tin Tong
Cast: Chin Ka Lok, Mandy Wong, Benjamin Yuen, Timmy Hung, Tracy Chu, Gigi Wong, Henry Lo, Rebecca Zhu,Rosanne Lui, Lee Kwok Lun, Candice Chiu
Genre: Modern Drama, Action

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