The Feud of Two Brothers – 流氓大亨

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March 30, 2018
Detective Investigation Files - 刑事偵緝檔案
VR Exorcist - VR 驅魔人

Description: A modern drama featuring the different attitudes of two brothers towards life. They are brought up in contrasting backgrounds: the younger is well-educated and rich but has gone astray while the elder has to struggle through hardships. Conflicts begin when the two come into confrontations. The story depicts how fate meddles around them and how they untwist the knots in life.


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 1986
Cast: Alex Man, Carol Cheng, Carina Lau, Lawrence Ng, Kathy Chow, Kwan Hoi San

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