The Cursed 2018 – 幼兒怨

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November 3, 2018
Europe Raiders - 歐洲攻略
The Legend of Zu 2018

Description: Surgeon Jiaer (Liu Xinyou) grew up in an orphanage. He received a lawyer’s letter and knew that there was another 嫲嫲 (Bao Qijing) living in Malaysia. The deceased who left the family left the will to ask Jiaer to return to Malaysia to take over the remaining mansion. The hesitant Jiaer decided to follow the sisters Jessica and Amy, went to Malaysia to find the truth, and reunited with his childhood companion Su Wen (Liu Haolong). In the process of handling the incident, the horror and strange things happened one after another. Deeply hidden secrets, Jiaer vowed to uncover the deadly truth of terror

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2015

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