The Criminal Investigator – O 記實錄

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January 3, 2019
The Criminal Investigator 2 - O 記實錄2
Perish In The Name Of Love - 帝女花

Description: The Criminal Investigator (Traditional Chinese: O記實錄; lit. The O Files) is a 1995 Hong Kong police procedural television drama. Produced by Jonathan Chik with a screenplay co-written and edited by Chow Yuk-ming, the drama is a TVBproduction. The story follows a team of investigators from the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB) unit of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1995
Cast: Felix Wong, Sunny Chan

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