The Charm Beneath – 胭脂水粉

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January 2, 2019
The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2008) - 射鵰英雄傳
Taming of the Princess - 醉打金枝


Description: With the grand production title and boasted a very impressive casts, TVB Had spent the amount of money and highly promotion into the production, likely to granted out Anniversary Series as well as set out to create a 1930s version of successful’s War and Beauty but returned the disappoint rating then they been expected due to the various of reason about viewers’s taste and the way the drama portray different so far from War’s Darken plot, making the grand production which failed. Began with 27 average point and minor growth in the following, praised the cast and producer an unhopeful high rating already. The Drama ended up with a bit better result with 32 average point with highest peak at 36 although it still couldn’t compare to War and Beauty’s final rating.

Despite the loss in the terms of rating, The Charm Beneath pressed out with a majority of positive reviews, began critical acclaims. one of the Outstanding drama of 2005 already considered in some reviews, deemed it classics. The Drama had memorable with Anne Heung’s villain. Other began with cast’s Disturbing acting and well script. Its theme song also recognized well into its story line with the quiet but breathtaking sound. After all, The Drama garner enough for two female nomination at TVB’s 38th Anniversary award with Gigi Lai for Best Actress and Kiki Sheung for Best Supporting actress.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Moses Chan, Gigi Lai, Yoyo Mung, Anne Heung, Mandy Cho,Sharon Chan, Michael Tong, Chan Hung Lit

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