The Building Blocks Of Life – 建築有情天

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The Legend of the Condor Heroes 1994 - 射鵰英雄傳 94版

Description: True, everlasting love exists…even in a love triangle. Interior design company owner CHUNG KWOK KEUNG (Fong Chung Sun) used to be a favorite student of renowned architect KWONG SHING YUE (Chung King Fai). He gave up his dream of becoming an architect when his father passed away and he had to take up the family business. As time goes by, the ambitious KEUNG has become an ambitionless man who has no opinions of his own. He has a prosaic relationship with CHING WAI YEE (Ng Wing Mei), an estate agent who he has been going out for six years. He has to rewrite his blueprint in life with the appearance of CHEUNG MAN CHING (Yeung Yi). CHING meets KEUNG through work. She has mixed feelings for him, but she forces herself to suppress them when she knows that he has a girlfriend. Yet the unexpected always happen. Firstly, she and YEE become close friends because of a traffic accident. Since then she has to try hard to avoid seeing KEUNG. Secondly, as if it was not worse enough, a new building project brings her and KEUNG together again. Love starts to blossom secretly between the two. Meanwhile, with the help of YUE, KEUNG pulls himself together. He is confident of handling interpersonal relationship, too. But YUE’s help has upset another student of his, who pledges to frame KEUNG up. As for relationships, KEUNG finds it hard to leave YEE, who has stuck with him through thick and thin, for CHING, who he loves truly…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2007
Cast: Alex Fong, Christine Ng, Tavia Yeung

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