The Brightest Star In The Sky (Mandarin) – 夜空中最閃亮的星

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March 24, 2019
The Brightest Star In The Sky (Mandarin) - 夜空中最閃亮的星 - Episode 01
Youth Fight (Mandarin) - 青春鬥

Description: 夜空中最闪亮的星 / Ye Kong Zhong Zui Shan Liang De Xing / 夜空中最亮的星
As singer-songwriter C-POP star, Huang Zitao plays a role of a recalcitrant idol who debuted and become famous since he was young. He deeply likes music and keeps persistent, that is similar with Huang Zi Tao. This time Yang Zhen Zhen is a newbie manager who just starts the work. Being a newbie staff, she faces various obstacles but she never gives up her music dreams.

《夜空中最閃亮的星》是都市青春勵志劇 。該劇以當前造星行業生態為背景,講述了三個不同個性的年輕人,為追逐各自的音樂夢想而匯集在一起,最終突破極限浴火重生的故事 。 “星空娛樂”是中國頂尖的娛樂公司。老闆陳天浩與杜婉晴曾經是恩愛夫妻,因為對公司經營理念的不同,陷入婚姻危機。熱愛音樂的楊真真(吳倩飾)進入“星空娛樂”工作,成為當紅歌手鄭柏旭(黃子韜飾)的助理。鄭柏旭是一名偶像派歌手,…

Genre: Romance
Times: 40 Episodes
Release: 25 March 2019

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