The Awakening Story – 婚前昏後

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September 16, 2018
The White Flame - 紅衣手記
Guts of Man - 蓋世孖寶

Description: This is the story of a married woman named Lam Ho Shuet. She was in a car accident in the year 1984, and has been unconscious since then. 16 years later, she wakes up to find the world completely different from the world 16 years before.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2001
Cast: Liza Wang, Damian Lau, Louisa So, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee, Joe Ma, Patrick Tang, Myolie Wu, Tavia Yeung
Genre: Modern Drama, Family

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