That Demon Within – 魔警

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May 5, 2019
She Remembers, He Forgets - 哪一天我們會飛

Description: Mo jing
Reclusive cop Dave (Daniel Wu) unwittingly saves the life of criminal gang leader Hon Kong (Nick Cheung) by donating his blood, thus symbolizing that despite diametrically opposed outer appearances they are essentially made of the same stuff. The gang members hide their faces behind traditional demon masks when committing their violent crimes. During psychotic episodes Dave experiences his own demons withinas he sets out to play off the gang members against each other, resulting in everyone’s annihilation. It is then revealed that Dave was brought up by a high expressed emotion father in a socio-economically disadvantaged living environment. He witnessed her father’s death inadvertently caused by the responsible policeman who resembled Hon Kong. As a young, innocent soul who had lost the father, he impulsively went on to take revenge, resulting in excessive guilt that predisposed the onset of psychosis later in his life. The event whereby he rescued Hon Kong reminded him of his suppressed memories as a child who had donewrong but trying the hardest to make reparation. Before his inevitable death, there was an opportunity for him to resolve his subconscious intrapersonal conflicts which was to have the courage to fix a mistake done.The movie was presented by Dante Lam at the 16 Far East Film Festival 2014 in Udine with The Unbeatable(2013).

Genre: Action, Crime
Stars: Daniel Wu, Nick Cheung, Kai Chi Liu, Andy On, Christie Chen
Director: Dante Lam
Times: 111 Minutes
Release: 18 April 2014
Actor(s): Sean Lau, Louis Koo, Eddie Peng, Wu Jing, Yuan Quan, Jiang Shu Ying, Liu Kai Chi

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