Terius Behind Me (English subtitles) – 내 뒤에 테리우스

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September 26, 2018
Heart Surgeons (English subtitles) - 흉부외과
Cross (Cantonese) - Cross: 復仇之刃

Description: This drama is about a woman named Go Ae Rin (Jung In Sun) loses her husband. Along with her neighbour Kim Bon (So Ji Sub), who is a NIS agent, they discover the truth behind her husband’s involvement in a huge conspiracy….
Mystery, Romance
So Ji Sub, Jung In Sun, Son Ho Joon, Im Se Mi, Yang Dong Geun, Kim Gun Woo, Ok Ye Rin
Park Sang Hoon, Park Sang Woo
32 Episodes
27 September 2018
Production company(s):

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